Reduce Your Anxiety Meditation

Welcome. I am here to guide you through a session of hypnosis to help reduce your anxiety.

Please find a comfortable place to sit or lie down where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in. Let’s begin this journey together.

Start by taking a deep breath in through your nose, holding it for a few seconds, and then exhaling slowly through your mouth. Feel the tension leaving your body as you breathe out. Repeat this breathing pattern a few times, allowing each breath to bring you a little deeper into relaxation.

Now, focus on your feet. Feel them becoming heavy and relaxed. Imagine a warm, soothing wave of relaxation beginning at your toes, slowly moving up through your feet, ankles, calves, and knees.

As this wave of relaxation continues to move upward, feel your thighs, hips, and lower back becoming deeply relaxed. Notice any tension melting away.

The wave of relaxation now flows through your abdomen, chest, and back. With each breath, your muscles become more and more relaxed.

Feel this warm, relaxing sensation move through your shoulders, arms, and hands. Finally, let it reach your neck, face, and head. Every part of your body is now enveloped in a deep, soothing relaxation.

Imagine you are standing at the top of a beautiful staircase. This staircase has ten steps leading down to a peaceful, safe place where you will experience deep relaxation and calmness.

With each step down, you will feel more and more relaxed, more at ease, and more comfortable.

Step 10:

Take the first step down. Feel your body becoming heavier and more relaxed. Any worries you have start to drift away.

Step 9:

Moving down to the next step, you feel a sense of calm washing over you. Your mind begins to slow down, and you feel more at peace.

Step 8:

As you step down again, you notice a warm, gentle light surrounding you, filling you with a sense of safety and comfort. You are moving deeper into relaxation.

Step 7:

Another step down, and you feel all tension in your body melting away. Your muscles are loose and relaxed. You are feeling very calm now.

Step 6:

With each step, you feel yourself sinking deeper into a state of tranquility. All external sounds fade into the background, and your focus is solely on your inner peace.

Step 5:

Halfway down now, you are feeling more relaxed than ever before. You are surrounded by a sense of profound serenity.

Step 4:

Another step down, deeper and deeper. Your breathing is slow and steady, and each breath brings you further into relaxation.

Step 3:

As you step down, you notice a sense of weightlessness. All the worries and anxieties are drifting away, replaced by a feeling of calm and control.

Step 2:

Almost at the bottom now. You are deeply relaxed, your mind is quiet, and your body is at ease.

Step 1:

Take the final step down. You are now in a state of deep hypnosis, feeling completely at peace, safe, and relaxed.


Imagine yourself in a place where you feel completely safe and at ease. This could be a beach, a forest, a cozy room, or anywhere you feel most comfortable. Take a moment to explore this place, noticing the colors, sounds, and sensations around you.

In this safe place, you feel a profound sense of calm and tranquility. Repeat these affirmations silently or out loud:

“I am calm and at peace.”

“I release my anxiety and embrace tranquility.”

“I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.”

“I am safe, secure, and relaxed.”

To anchor this feeling of deep relaxation, gently press your thumb and forefinger together. As you do, tell yourself that whenever you press your thumb and forefinger together in the future, you will instantly return to this state of calm and relaxation.

In a moment, I will count from 1 to 5. With each number, you will begin to awaken, bringing back with you the feelings of peace and calm. When I reach 5, you will open your eyes, feeling refreshed, alert, and relaxed.

Becoming more aware of your surroundings, slowly starting to awaken.

Feeling the energy returning to your body, moving your fingers and toes gently.

Bringing back with you all the feelings of calm, peace, and relaxation.

Almost fully awake now, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Open your eyes, fully awake, feeling calm, relaxed, and ready to face the day with a sense of peace and tranquility.

Take a moment to stretch and enjoy this feeling of relaxation. Remember that you can return to this state of calm whenever you need to by simply pressing your thumb and forefinger together. Thank you for taking this time for yourself.