Don’t Panic Meditation

Today, we will embark on a journey of relaxation and peace.

This session is designed to help you manage and alleviate the symptoms of a panic attack.

Please find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, ensuring that you are in a quiet and undisturbed environment. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in… and out.

Allow yourself to be present in this moment, knowing that you are safe and in control.

Begin by focusing on your breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your lungs fill with air. Hold for a moment, and then exhale slowly through your mouth.

With each breath, allow yourself to become more and more relaxed. Feel the tension in your body melting away, as if it is being carried off by a gentle breeze.

Now, imagine that you are standing at the top of a beautiful staircase. This staircase will lead you down into a state of deep relaxation and tranquility.

With each step you take, you will feel more at ease, more calm, and more in control.

As I count down from ten to one, you will take a step down the staircase with each number. With each step, your relaxation will deepen, and your mind will become more peaceful. Let’s begin.

Ten… take the first step down, feeling a wave of relaxation wash over you. Your body is becoming lighter, your mind quieter.

Nine… another step down. Feel your muscles loosening, your thoughts slowing down. You are entering a state of calm.

Eight… deeper and deeper. With each breath, you are letting go of any remaining tension. Your heart rate is slowing, becoming steady and calm.

Seven… you are feeling more and more relaxed. Any worries or fears are fading away, replaced by a sense of peace and safety.

Six… halfway down the staircase. Your body feels warm and heavy, like it is sinking into a soft, comfortable surface.

Five… deeper still. You are surrounded by a comforting, soothing light that makes you feel secure and protected.

Four… you are almost there. Your mind is becoming clearer, focused only on the present moment and the sound of my voice.

Three… deeper and deeper. Every part of your body is completely relaxed, and your mind is at peace.

Two… almost at the bottom. You feel completely at ease, calm, and safe.

One… you have reached the bottom of the staircase. You are in a place of deep relaxation and tranquility. Here, you are in complete control, and nothing can disturb your peace.

Now, imagine yourself in a beautiful, serene place. This can be a place you have visited before, or a place that exists only in your mind. It is a place where you feel completely safe and at peace. Take a moment to explore this place, noticing the sights, sounds, and smells around you.

As you immerse yourself in this tranquil environment, allow any remaining tension or anxiety to dissolve. You are in a safe haven, a sanctuary where nothing can harm you. Breathe in the serenity of this place, and let it fill your entire being.

If you begin to feel any signs of panic or anxiety, know that you can return to this peaceful place at any time. Simply close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine yourself here again. You are always in control, and you have the power to bring yourself back to this state of calm whenever you need to.

As you relax in this beautiful place, repeat the following affirmations silently in your mind. These words will help reinforce your sense of calm and control:

– I am safe and in control.

– I am calm and at peace.

– I am strong and capable of overcoming any challenge.

– I am surrounded by love and support.

– I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.

Repeat these affirmations to yourself, letting their meaning sink deeply into your subconscious mind.

In a moment, I will count from one to five. With each number, you will begin to feel more awake and alert. When I reach five, you will be fully awake, feeling calm, refreshed, and in control.

One… becoming more aware of your surroundings.

Two… feeling a gentle energy returning to your body.

Three… beginning to move your fingers and toes.

Four… taking a deep breath in, feeling refreshed and awake.

Five… opening your eyes, fully awake, feeling calm, in control, and ready to continue your day.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Remember, you can return to this place of peace and relaxation whenever you need to.

You are strong, you are capable, and you are in control.