Dealing With Grief Meditation


Today, we will embark on a journey of healing and peace. Our focus is on grief, and together, we will navigate through the waves of sorrow and loss to find a place of calm and acceptance.

Ensure that you are in a comfortable and quiet space where you will not be disturbed.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath in… and out. Begin to focus on your breathing, allowing each inhale to fill you with calm, and each exhale to release tension. Feel the surface beneath you, supporting your body, and let yourself sink into this support.

Now, I will count down from ten to one. With each number, you will find yourself sinking deeper into a state of relaxation. Allow yourself to let go and drift into a peaceful state of hypnosis.

Ten… Feel your body beginning to relax, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

Nine… Feel the muscles in your face and neck soften and release any tension.

Eight… Let your shoulders drop and your arms grow heavy and relaxed.

Seven… Feel a wave of relaxation flow down your spine, releasing all tension.

Six… Your legs are becoming heavy and relaxed, sinking deeper into comfort.

Five… Your breathing is slow and steady, bringing you deeper into relaxation.

Four… Every breath takes you further into a state of calm and peace.

Three… Your mind is quieting, and any remaining tension is melting away.

Two… Almost there, feeling deeply relaxed and at peace.

One… You are now in a deeply relaxed state, ready to begin your journey of healing.

Imagine yourself standing at the top of a beautiful staircase. Each step you take will bring you deeper into relaxation and peace. With each step down, you feel lighter, more at ease.

Take the first step… and feel yourself sinking deeper.

Take the second step… feeling more relaxed.

Take the third step… deeper still.

The fourth step… more and more at peace.

The fifth step… halfway down, feeling calm and secure.

The sixth step… deeper into relaxation.

The seventh step… feeling lighter and more serene.

The eighth step… almost there, deeply relaxed.

The ninth step… your mind is quiet and at peace.

The tenth step… you are now at the bottom, in a place of deep relaxation and tranquility.

Now, imagine yourself in a beautiful, safe place. It might be a garden, a beach, or a forest – wherever you feel most at peace. Take in the sights, sounds, and smells of this place, allowing it to envelop you in comfort and serenity.

In this place, you are not alone. A wise and compassionate figure approaches you. This could be a loved one, a guide, or even a part of yourself. They are here to help you with your grief. Feel their presence, warm and understanding.

Begin to share your feelings of grief with this figure. Allow yourself to express the pain, sadness, and longing you feel. Know that it is safe to feel these emotions here. As you share, feel the weight of your grief begin to lift, as if this figure is helping to carry it with you.

Now, imagine a beautiful, glowing light surrounding you. This light represents healing and love. Let it envelop you, filling you with warmth and peace. As this light surrounds you, feel it soothing your heart and mind, bringing comfort to your grief.

As you continue to bask in this healing light, know that it is okay to grieve. Your feelings are valid and important. Grief is a natural response to loss, and it is a process that takes time.

Allow yourself to remember the happy moments you shared with your loved one. Feel the love you had for them and know that this love will always be a part of you. Your loved one lives on in your memories and in the love you carry in your heart.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed by grief, you can return to this safe place and feel the healing light around you. Know that you are never alone in your journey of healing.

Now, it is time to begin your journey back to the present. I will count from one to five, and with each number, you will become more aware of your surroundings, feeling refreshed and at peace.

One… becoming more aware of your surroundings.

Two… feeling the surface beneath you.

Three… taking a deep breath, bringing in energy and calm.

Four… starting to move your fingers and toes.

Five… opening your eyes, feeling refreshed and at peace.

Take a moment to sit quietly and reflect on your experience. Remember that you can return to this place of healing and peace whenever you need it.

Be gentle with yourself as you navigate through your grief, and know that healing is a journey, not a destination.